BIOSURF (BIOmethane as SUstainable and Renewable Fuel)
Project status: completed
From January 2015 until December 2017, the German Biogas Association participated in the BIOSURF project. BIOSURF was a project supported by the EU in the context of the Horizon 2020 programme for research, technology development and demonstration projects.
The goal of BIOSURF was to increase the generation and use of sustainably produced biomethane and to overcome non-technical hurdles in order to enable the international trade of biomethane. The BIOSURF consortium consisted of eleven partners from seven countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Great Britain).
After the boom years (2007-2014), the biomethane market in Germany has now been stagnating for some time as the feed-in tariffs have been reduced and the bonus for biogas upgrading was eliminated. BIOSURF helped to raise awareness of the important role which biomethane could have in the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Furthermore, thanks to the project several stakeholders started showing interest for the European biomethane trade, which lead to the establishment of ERGaR (European Renewable Gas Registry) in September 2016.
ERGaR is based on the cooperation with national biogas, biomethane and renewable gas registries, covering 10 European countries. The registry is built on the expertise of national renewable gas registries and aims at establishing an independent, transparent and trustworthy documentation scheme for cross-border transfer and mass balancing of renewable gas injected into the European natural gas network. ERGaR will also support the establishment of such registries in every European country and will work towards incorporating all national registries into one scheme.

The goal of BIOSURF was to increase the generation and use of sustainably produced biomethane and to overcome non-technical hurdles in order to enable the international trade of biomethane. The BIOSURF consortium consisted of eleven partners from seven countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Great Britain).
After the boom years (2007-2014), the biomethane market in Germany has now been stagnating for some time as the feed-in tariffs have been reduced and the bonus for biogas upgrading was eliminated. BIOSURF helped to raise awareness of the important role which biomethane could have in the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Furthermore, thanks to the project several stakeholders started showing interest for the European biomethane trade, which lead to the establishment of ERGaR (European Renewable Gas Registry) in September 2016.
ERGaR is based on the cooperation with national biogas, biomethane and renewable gas registries, covering 10 European countries. The registry is built on the expertise of national renewable gas registries and aims at establishing an independent, transparent and trustworthy documentation scheme for cross-border transfer and mass balancing of renewable gas injected into the European natural gas network. ERGaR will also support the establishment of such registries in every European country and will work towards incorporating all national registries into one scheme.
For more information, access the project website http://www.biosurf.eu or contact: